Cryptogams of North Asia The field workshop
русская версия

Cryptogams of North Asia
The field workshop

Russia, Irkutsk - Khamar-Daban
Range 4-9 of September 2018

Organizing committee

  1. Verkhozina A. V., chairman of the Organizing committee, Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of RAS
  2. Fedosov V. E., co-chairman of the Organizing committee, Lomonosov’ Moscow State University
  3. Egorova I. N., secretary of the Organizing committee, Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of RAS
  4. Prelovskaya E. S., secretary of the Organizing committee, Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of RAS
  5. Afonina O.M., Botanical Institute of RAS
  6. Borovichev E.A., Polar-Alpine Bot. Garden-Institute of RAS
  7. Dudareva N.V., Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of RAS
  8. Kazanovsky S.G., Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of RAS
  9. Konstantinova N.A., Polar-Alpine Bot. Garden-Institute of RAS
  10. Kulakova N. V., Limnological Institute SB RAS
  11. Lishtva A.V., Irkutsk State University
  12. Maximova E. N., Pedagogical Institute
  13. Mincheva E. V., Limnological Institute SB RAS
  14. Murashko V.V., Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of RAS
  15. Patova E.N., Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre RAS
  16. Oskolkova T. A., Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of RAS
  17. Tubanova D.Ya, Institute of General and Experimental Biology, RAS
  18.  Strukova L. A., Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of RAS
  19.  Chepinoga V. V., Institute of Geography of the SB RAS

Preliminary participation of the following leading specialists in the field was confirmed:

  1. Bakalin V.A., Botanical Garden-Institute of RAS
  2. Ignatov M.S., Lomonosov’ Moscow State University
  3. Ignatova E.A., Lomonosov’ Moscow State University